Meet TGA Ambassador, Jenni! - TGA Mobility
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26th July, 2024

Meet TGA Ambassador, Jenni!

Jenni is a disabled Content Creator and TGA Brand Ambassador.

She shares vlogs, hacks and tips that help people with mobility difficulties. From accessible places to the best assistive products, she shares her opinions to make life a little easier for everyone with a disability. And that’s not all. Jenni campaigns, volunteers for charities, speaks in public and models professionally – all whilst living with Chronic Pain & Fatigue. She’s on a mission at 28 to celebrate diversity irrespective of peoples’ abilities. And as she says, she was never given a handbook on how to thrive with disability. Like everyone else who joins the community. That’s why she’s helping where she can, with her story for all to see on social media.

She has been able to use a WHILL F, WHILL C2 and Scoozy to get around. Add to this an Access to Work grant, her career’s back on track. “The WHILL’s have been brilliant. I’ve made several videos which directly compare them. Both are such great powerchairs but they are good for different kinds of things.”

“With the Scoozy, I can walk Coco confidently as a woman on my own. She’s a Labradoodle x Cockapoo who’s nearly 2. The excellent thing is that I’ve had a WHILL since she was little, so she’s grown up around powerchairs and walks beautifully next to me; she’s not fazed at all. I find the C2 good on rougher terrain with its suspension and is more comfortable if you’re going out for longer.”

“The other hobby these powerchairs have allowed me to do is join a choir. Getting back on stage is something I would never have been able to do without my wheelchair. Don’t get me wrong, theatres aren’t generally the most accessible places in the world, but my WHILL does allow me to perform and raise awareness about the need for inclusion. I sing at Chelmsford Musical Theatre Choir which is run by Sing Space. We’ve now got three wheelchair users in our choir of about 80 people. I was the only one for a little while and then two newbies joined. Singing with others is so good for your mental health. I wouldn’t be able to do this without my WHILL as it gives me the freedom to go and practise once a week. And I can perform. Like last year I joined Gareth Malone on his UK tour and sang a solo in front of thousands of peope . I belong to such a beautiful community; they’re so accepting of everyone .”

Whether out or back at home, Jenni’s getting around more. Support workers and her mobility aids are there to help. She crafts and plays video games when her busy schedule allows. Growing in confidence every day, she wraps up by saying: “I’ve got my freedom and independence back. And I’m doing the things I love and just ‘being me’. I hope my work helps people take pride in their own disability. We’re all on a different journey so it’s nice for us all to share and relate to similar experiences. My WHILL’s have made this happen.”

You can follow Jenni on Instagram at @chronicallyjenni

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