Looking for help with funding a mobility scooter? - TGA Mobility
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Looking for help with funding a mobility scooter?

Funding and grants for mobility scooters, powerchairs and wheelchairs

It is possible to apply to charitable organisations for financial assistance with mobility products, whatever your age. Each charity has its own criteria however TGA work with several organisations, both regionally and nationally, to make the process as easy as possible.

If you need guidance on the phone, our team is ready to help you with all the latest Fund My Freedom information. Call us on 01787 882244.

Here is a selection of organisations that can offer funding, grants, subsidies or discounts for TGA mobility scooters and mobility aids:


Grants for adults

Parkinson’s UK

TGA is the charity’s chosen specialist supplier of mobility scooters and wheelchairs. All Parkinson’s UK members receive a 10% discount on every new TGA mobility scooter, powerchair and wheelchair.
To qualify, telephone: 0800 804 8377 by quoting ‘Parkinson’s UK’ or visit


Access to Work

Access to Work (AtW) is a government programme aimed at supporting disabled* people, aged over 16, to take up or remain in work. Access to Work is a discretionary grant scheme that provides personalised support for disabled people and can fund assistive equipment such as mobility scooters, wheelchairs and powerpacks. Funding doesn’t affect other benefits and AtW is only applicable to people who met certain criteria in England, Wales and Scotland.
For further details, telephone: 0800 121 7479 or visit here. 

* As defined in the Equality Act 2010: ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on [your] ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.


MS Society

Local MS Society volunteer groups offer grants from local funds. This does vary depending on local resources, so get in touch with your local group to see if they’re considering grant applications.

For more information, telephone: 0808 800 8000 or visit here. 


Barchester Healthcare Foundation

The Barchester Healthcare Foundation supports older people and adults with disabilities living in England, Wales and Scotland. It is able to help individuals with the cost of items that enhance mobility, independence or quality of life. This may include items such as a TGA wheelchairs, wheelchair powerpacks, powerchairs or mobility scooters – grants range from £100 to £5,000. All applications must be supported by a third party such as a social worker or healthcare professional.

To apply, telephone: 0800 328 3328, email info@bhcfoundation.org.uk or visit here. 


Colchester Catalyst

This regional charity offers financial assistance to individuals seeking mobility equipment in North East Essex. It has also recently expanded its funding assistance to cover all areas within the CO Postcode, including Sudbury where the TGA national headquarters are based. Colchester Catalyst can provide up to £1,000 towards the purchase of a new TGA mobility scooter.

To apply, telephone: 01206 323420, email: info@colchestercatalyst.co.uk or visit here. 


Friends of the Elderly

Friends of the Elderly supports older people in England and Wales so they can retain independence and dignity. It is able to provide one-off grants for essential items such as wheelchairs. Applicants must be over 60 years, on low income and have minimal savings. All applications for a ‘Home Essentials’ Grant should be made by a third party such as Citizens Advice, Social Services or Age UK. Average grants are £300 with a maximum of £500.

To apply, telephone: 0330 332 1110, email: enquiries@fote.org.uk or visit here. 


The Hospital Saturday Fund

This charity provides grants to individuals from the UK and the Republic of Ireland seeking specialised equipment. These can include mobility products such as TGA wheelchairs and mobility scooters.

If you are an: “individual with a medical condition or disability who would benefit from assistance with the purchase of specialised equipment or from particular forms of treatment” you can qualify. The maximum grant value is £2,000.

To apply, telephone: 020 7202 1365, email: charity@hsf.eu.com or visit here


The Joseph Patrick Trust

The Joseph Patrick Trust (JPT) is the welfare trust of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign. The trust provides financial support towards specialist equipment to help promote mobility and independence for people with muscular dystrophy, or a related muscle disease. Equipment can include TGA powered wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs or wheelchair powerpacks with the following maximum values donated:

  • Electric Wheelchairs (Adults) – Up to £2,500
  • Electric Wheelchairs (Children – under 18) – Up to £1,500
  • Electric Scooters (Adults) – Up to £1,000
  • Electric Scooters (Children – under 18) – Up to £900
  • Manual Wheelchairs (Adults & Children) Up to £500

To apply, visit here.


The League of Helping Hand

The League of Helping Hand (LHH) provides one-off grants for specialist, essential equipment that helps people experiencing illness or disability. Grants up to £250 are possible for wheelchairs and scooters however applications must be submitted by a third party such as a social worker or healthcare professional. These ‘sponsors’ need to vouch for the application and take responsibility for distribution of the funds.

To apply, telephone: 01444 236099, email:secretary@lhh.org.uk or visit here.


Margaret’s Fund

This fund awards grant assistance to women in the UK who are ill. Healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, charity workers and social workers will need to apply on behalf of the women in their care. Grants are available for ‘disability aids’.

To apply, email: support@margaretsfund.org or visit here.


The Mobility Trust

The Mobility Trust specifically provides wheelchairs and larger mobility scooters (not folding/transportable designs) for people who have severe disabilities and who cannot obtain such equipment through other means. Following an assessment by an independent Occupational Therapist (OT) sent by the Trust, the OT will then prescribe the most suitable piece of equipment for an individual. Equipment is only provided if it is not available from statutory sources or unable to purchase privately.

To apply, telephone: 0118 9842588, email: mobility@mobilitytrust.org.uk or visit here.


Steve Morgan Foundation

This foundation’s “Enable Fund” provides support for disabled people, in financial hardship, to obtain specialist equipment that cannot be supplied by the NHS, Education or Social Services. Beneficiaries must live within North Wales, Merseyside, West Cheshire and North Shropshire. It can provide grants for mobility aids such as wheelchairs and electric wheelchairs. Applications must be accompanied by a medical reference from a healthcare professional such as an Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, hospital consultant etc.

To apply, telephone 01829 782808, email:  enable@stevemorganfoundation.org.uk or visit here.

Wheels for Martin’s Friends

Wheels for Martin’s Friends helps provide assistive equipment for people of all ages with disabilities, living in the South Cambridgeshire area. If individuals are unable to obtain funds from the NHS or do not have the funds themselves, Wheels for Martin’s Friends may support the purchasing of TGA mobility products.

To apply, email: info@wheelsformartinsfriends.org.uk


Military veterans


Blesma, The Limbless Veterans, is a charity that supports serving and ex-Service men and women who have suffered life-changing limb loss or the use of a limb, an eye or loss of sight during active duty. It can provide financial assistance towards the provision of mobility scooters and other specialist equipment. They consider grant applications on an individual basis – based on specific needs and can assist with the purchasing of mobility scooters, wheelchairs and powerchairs .

To apply, telephone: 0208 548 3516, email: membergrants@blesma.org or visit here


SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors, Air Force Association)

This UK Charity provides welfare and support for those serving in the armed forces, veterans and armed forces families. It can assist with the purchasing of mobility scooters, powerchairs and wheelchairs to ensure ex-army, RAF and Navy personnel remain independent.

To apply, telephone: 0800731 4880 or visit here.


Veterans Mobility Fund (Help for Heroes)
The fund is designed to support veterans with physical disabilities resulting from illness or injury sustained during service. It does this by providing grants or equipment not usually available on the NHS.

To apply, visit the website here. 

Grants for 18 and unders:

Caudwell Children

Caudwell Children provides practical and emotional support to disabled children so they can lead happy, active and independent lives. It will fund 70-80% of the cost to purchase a powered wheelchair for children aged 18 or under. The child’s household annual income need to be less than £45,000 and applications must be endorsed by an Occupational Therapist or healthcare professional.

To apply, telephone: 0345 300 1348,  Email: applications@caudwellchildren.com or visit here.


Family Fund

Family Fund is the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people. It will contribute towards the purchasing of mobility equipment.

To apply, telephone 01904 550055, Email info@familyfund.org.uk or visit here.


Boparan Charitable Trust

The Boparan Charitable Trust aims to help children and young people up to the age of 18, across England and Wales, who are disadvantaged either through poverty, disability or terminal illness. It may fund mobility equipment for young people or contribute towards the cost.

To apply, telephone: 0121 214 9364  Email: applications@boparan.com or visit here.


Newlife, the charity for disabled children

Part of its extensive support services, Newlife provides funding for essential community equipment such as paediatric wheelchairs and powerchairs. Its equipment grants can improve child health, reduce risk of significant injury and pain, as well as support delivery of care – while enabling childhood experiences and encouraging independence. Each application is assessed by a Newlife Nurse and ‘fast track’ priority can be assigned if the need is urgent.

To apply, telephone: 0800 902 0095  Email info@newlifecharity.co.uk or visit here.

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